Friday, 17 June 2011

Thinking About Father's Day

I have been making a big deal about Father's Day to Ashlene.  We've been to the card store to pick out some meaningful cards (one from myself as well).  She picked out a cute one with Buzz Lightyear on the front, which is right up my husband's alley; he loves superheroes.  What man doesn't want to be the hero to his family?

It makes me think of how important it is for Ashlene to see that her parents honor each other.  She needs to see her mum respect and love her dad.  And vice versa.  Not just on special occasions, but every day.
I came across this post today.  It's definitely worth the read, and quite relevant as Father's Day is coming up.  What I want my kids to know about marriage


  1. Misty ~
    What a sweet picture of Ashlene and her daddy! She is a blessed little girl to have two loving parents!!
    xoxo Susan

  2. Hi Misty,
    What a precious post, what you say is so true. I love the photo of your hubby and beautiful little girl.
    Hugs, Cynthia
